RajaLeaks short: Transfer of Transcendental Meditation Movement Properties and Trademarks

RajaLeaks short: Transfer of Transcendental Meditation Movement Properties and Trademarks

The TM teachers, sidhas, meditators, and the public are not aware of how the Raja Kingdom has taken over the TM Movement and how it accomplished that. Many stories are coming out now about trademarks being transferred to offshore companies – essentially tax-haven countries where financial data is non-transparent. The Rajas for example Raja Dr. John Hagelin and his colleagues are involved in some of these offshore companies.

The control was taken from the old national offices, which were non-profit associations, foundations, and corporations in each country As an example in one country we are in contact with, the national director (National Leader) was contacted and asked to sign a new agreement with “INTERNATIONAL”. This was in 2012, and, if he hadn’t signed it, he would have been excommunicated from the movement – allegedly. 

This new “International” was not the same as the international organization set up by Maharishi. The new international was Raja-controlled and established after Maharishi’s passing. The new “international” agreement stated that if the old “international” organization contacts the national office, the communication must be forwarded to the new raja-controlled international organization, who would then answer that communication. In the future we will release all or part of that international agreement. Around this time the national leaders were asked to transfer the national TM trademarks to the offshore companies or the new International Organization. In retrospect, it seems like a Coup d’état happened, and the old TM Movement was left without trademarks or control over the national organizations. This fits in with the offshore companies that own the trademarks and most likely collect the royalties in those tax-haven locations. 

So did you know that? 

Well, now you do!

Further information will be released as we analyze what is coming in, including a criminal case raised against a Raja involving an alleged extortion attempt involving a remaining trademark still in the control of an old national office in Eastern Europe. Quite an interesting story. Worthy of a documentary film, or a true-story movie plot. In the future, there may be documentary films on a similar level as were released about Scientology, Osho, Moonies, Christian sects, and other cults. In retrospect, these Rajas are out of their collective minds!

The short video below sheds light on this subject in a musical way.


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