Your Leaks

About the leaks which you may send to us

We will not divulge your name, which means we will not send it to anybody or tell anybody if they ask. The same goes for your e-mail address, we will not give it to anybody. The e-mail addresses given on this leak page will not be added to our newsletter database. If you wish to receive newsletters, please add your information on the newsletter sign-up page.

Information you could leak to us:

  • information you may possess or experiences you may have had in the original transcendental mediation movement or the new raja kingdom
  • stories you wish to tell
  • policy actions against you or someone you know
  • agreements, employment agreements, policy handbooks, memorandums, contracts, invoices, and other legal or financial information
  • information from or about people who worked on staff or faculty and were underpaid or mistreated in any way
  • information from or about students which may interest us
  • legal actions that were taken against or by the organizations, and how to find those court cases, out-of-court cases, and lawyers.
  • financial information in general, like yearly reports, balance sheets
  • scanned documents or digital files
  • old advertisements, brochures, posters
  • pictures, audio, and video
  • contact information about people who may have information

Please take care to only send us information that we can use as a lead (the information remains secret but we will follow up on it) or information that we can publish on this website either in original form, in redacted form, or in rewritten form. We will follow the usual investigative journalist ethics and law. Certain information will not be held by us and will be erased if deemed necessary.

We will hold your name and contact information in confidence and just work with the story and data you send us.

Thank you for helping with our work.

Disclaimer: The text of this leak page does not suggest in any way that any mistreatment, improper events, or unethical, or illegal actions were taken by anyone or any organization. This page just lists what kind of information is usually sent to other leak websites or whistleblower protection organizations. Innocence is pre-assumed for all individuals and organizations.

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