Tag: transcendental meditation movement

Poem about standing up for freedom in the Transcendental Meditation Movement

Poem about standing up for freedom in the Transcendental Meditation Movement

In the hushed corridors of devotion and faith, where the Transcendental Meditation Movement once stood as a beacon of spiritual enlightenment, a tale of concealed realities unfolds. Behind the serenity of meditation and the promise of enlightenment, a silent struggle for freedom, honesty, and purity has emerged. Millions, drawn by the allure of inner peace,...

How to Understand the raja kingdom – part 5: King Tony Nader’s OFFSHORE Company

How to Understand the raja kingdom – part 5: King Tony Nader’s OFFSHORE Company

Did you know that King Tony Nader, the leader of the Transcendental Meditation Movement, after taking up the clown crown, set up an offshore company on October 17th, 2006? National governments and their tax authorities have a suspicious view of anyone who owns or runs an offshore company, even if it is perfectly legal according...

Let’s talk about David Lynch – Part 4: a poem about his BIZARRO art

Let’s talk about David Lynch – Part 4: a poem about his BIZARRO art

Let’s get very critical about his art; after all, he is one of the faces of the Global Country of World Peace, and their hijacked world-wide Transcendental Meditation Movement. In our previous article entitled, “Let’s talk about David Lynch – Part 3 – the creative person”, I presented a critical view of his art displayed...

Fraud, Philandering & Fascism in the TM Movement

Fraud, Philandering & Fascism in the TM Movement

Back in April 2013, a blog page presented a summary of the Transcendental Meditation Movement and the new Raja Kingdom. It was a critical summary and even mentioned the fiasco by the Raja of Germany. Many readers may not agree with everything that was written by this individual, yet the writer attempted to compile a...

Why RajaLeaks.org is not a private membership website

Why RajaLeaks.org is not a private membership website

A few days ago I was informed that RajaLeaks.org has been mildly criticized by some members of the “TM: The Next Generation” Facebook group. Their Facebook group is membership-only, and therefore their discussion about TMO and the GCWP transpires behind the closed doors of the forum. The complaint was that RajaLeaks is a public website...

Welcome to RAJALEAKS.org!

Welcome to RAJALEAKS.org!

The need for such a website has been brewing for many years. Here is the situation. There are countless meditators, sidhas, and teachers of meditation who either do not know what has happened to the original transcendental meditation movement, do not understand what is going on, or do not like what they see. Many people...

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