Welcome to RAJALEAKS.org!

Welcome to RAJALEAKS.org!

The need for such a website has been brewing for many years.

Here is the situation. There are countless meditators, sidhas, and teachers of meditation who either do not know what has happened to the original transcendental meditation movement, do not understand what is going on, or do not like what they see. Many people believe the current raja kingdom is the same as the original transcendental meditation movement they joined or heard about decades ago. Some coherent sense needs to be made of all this, and this website may provide answers.

This website will try to bring an understanding to the situation(s) and somehow order the events into some kind of logical structure so that a clearer picture may develop in the minds of the readers. In a sense, this will be a historical website, chronicling the development of Maharishi’s transcendental meditation movement and contrasting it with the newer raja kingdom and its history.

Another goal of this website is to inform the non-meditating public of the nature of the raja kingdom, and its history. This will shock some meditators, and certainly will shock the non-meditators, however, this must be done. For those that value the meditation that we took up many years ago, and value the tradition from which it came, this website will help in understanding the possible danger the raja kingdom means and will help in understanding the original goals of the kingdom. Some of the kingdom’s goals and some of its actions have stained the reputation of the original transcendental meditation movement. This will be discussed also.

This website will also display Maharishi’s meditation movement highlights and discuss Maharishi’s life and work. Overall a positive note will be rung for the original movement because so many people have been introduced to the fact that there is an easy effortless natural way to meditate, which was virtually unknown before Maharishi came to the scene. There are many spiritual and meditation societies around the world, but Maharishi gave the whole thing a big push forward and inspired so many people towards a spiritual life through meditation. Through the efforts of thousands of transcendental meditation teachers around the world ancient concepts and even new concepts were introduced to society, which are now commonly known by society everywhere. We salute these great individuals and their families and friends for their great work whether teaching meditation, supporting the efforts, or just volunteering for the organization.

On another note, it is also necessary to tell the true story of Maharishi and his movement. Maharishi was a human being, with human qualities and desires. Maharishi never said he was a god, and he never said he was infallible or perfect. Maharishi even stated on courses and personally to meditation teachers that he did make mistakes. Somehow over the years, Maharishi became a kind of god, an infallible person, who never made a mistake, and who must never be questioned. This perception has become etched into the minds of many people especially the leaders of the organization and gave way to a “yes, sir, anything you want sir” culture within the vast transcendental meditation organization. “Yes persons” multiplied everywhere, and the mistakes multiplied also. So it is necessary to rebalance this perception and show Maharishi’s human nature also. Some will not like what they read, but I assure you it will be presented in terms of morality, ethics, and law.

Throughout history, great men and women have inspired societies everywhere, and these great people were human beings also. The people in their time understood this fact, and raised statues of them wrote history books about them and became promoters of that person’s life and teachings. Yet those living in that generation also understood that nobody is perfect. History is full of examples of individuals, and leaders of a society who were promoted as a god, or unquestionable people, and in most cases, this led to great problems or even disaster for that society. We are in that generation of people that lived at the same time as Maharishi, yet we have experienced over time the transition of Maharishi as a human being, to a Maharishi as a demigod who never made a mistake, whose edicts must never be questioned even in the future far beyond his life. This is a root problem in the raja kingdom, and this must be rebalanced. This website will place much more emphasis on the morality, ethics, and law of the raja kingdom, therefore the name of the website is rajaleaks.org.

In closing, because this is a “leak” type of website, we emphasize that pieces of information you may possess or experiences you may have had in the original transcendental mediation movement or the new raja kingdom which you would like to share with us would be much appreciated. We will hold your name and contact information in confidence and just work with the story and data you send us. To this end, we would much appreciate information like stories, policy actions, agreements, documents, financial information, old advertisements, old brochures/posters, pictures, videos, audio, and contact information about people who may have information.

This website will present new articles about two times a week, and the articles will also appear sorted under topic categories found in the menus so that later the readers can access the articles pertaining to a single topic. As the information gathered grows, the media: documents menu will allow easy access to various pdf and text documents. The audio and video menus will also be filled with publicly available items. Eventually, we will be able to present interviews with people who have information to share. So this is how raja-leaks begins!

Raja Presston


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