We have been investigating the Raja kingdom and its associated network of companies around the world. The results of our research will be published and will show the connections between the companies. We will also list the officers and shareholders in these companies where they are known. Through this research, we hope that the members of the meditation movement will understand what has happened over the last 15 years.
The first of many companies we wish to introduce to our blissful readers is Maharishi Vedic University Holding Limited, registered in Malta on October 31, 2014. Interestingly this happens to be the ghastly Halloween day in the Anglo-Saxon culture. This first company has two shareholders, first is Maharishi Global Country of World Peace Stichting which is registered in Vlodrop, Holland. The second shareholder is Stichting Maharishi Vedic University, also registered in Vlodrop.

The officers in Maharishi Vedic University Holding Limited of Malta are listed as:
Graham De Freitas, Paul Gelderloos, Nicole De La Roza, Felix Urs Kagi, who are Directors in the company and Peter Fenech who is listed as Secretary.

Graham De Freitas, Paul Gelderloos, Nicole De La Roza, and Felix Urs Kagi, who are Directors in the company, and Peter Fenech who is listed as Secretary. Furthermore, a company called Iuris Management Limited of Malta is also listed as a Director, which means this company also has the right to manage MVU Holding. This management company is found in 32 other Malta-registered companies and is most likely a company management firm. Although, there is also a database where this management firm is listed as being in dissolution mode. It is well known that Malta is a favorite place to register companies for tax benefits, but in recent years it has tried to shake off the offshore and tax haven reputation. BBC news has written about Malta and this situation, so our opinion now is that Malta is a suspected offshore tax haven country.
What is very interesting and noteworthy is that there are several Maharishi Vedic University named companies in Malta at different addresses. We will write more details about them, and the Transcendental Meditation-related trademarks registered in Malta and other locations.
The Maharishi and TM-related registered entities around the world are numerous and the intertwined relationships between the entities and their officers is real rat nest!
The money flows must be interesting!
Follow the money!
There have been petitions by Transcendental Meditation teachers from around the world for TRANSPARENCY, especially about financial matters. As far as we know the royal kingdom of rajas has yet to publicly admit the lack of transparency. There is a yearning from valuable long-time meditation teachers for transparency, a written code of ethics, and other management changes. Therefore in the absence of positive responses from the side of the rajas, we have begun to dissect this rat nest of corporate entities and to find out what is really going on in the TM kingdom. At some point, we will also analyze the available financial reports and see how the millions of dollars have been used. Then there is the whole question about yagya donations, the performance of the yagyas, and the use of those funds.
Perhaps we should introduce a new concept to the corporate world: FORCED TRANSPARENCY.
To be continued…
Article by: Raja Presston, Raja von Grossoffenheit