Tag: Raam currency

How to understand the Raja Kingdom – Part 8: Why is the Global Country of World Peace dangerous?

How to understand the Raja Kingdom – Part 8: Why is the Global Country of World Peace dangerous?

The Hindi-language video discussing the Global Country of World Peace (GCWP), an organization founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The GCWP promotes a vision of a world without borders and advocates for establishing a “Ram Rajya” — a utopian society based on Vedic principles and aimed at achieving world peace. This vision involves creating a new...

How to understand the raja kingdom – part 2: the deceptive silence

How to understand the raja kingdom – part 2: the deceptive silence

What is baffling is the great divide between the internal operation of the organization calling itself the Global Country of World Peace, and the outward marketing of the organization calling itself the TM organization. You wouldn’t suspect anything is wrong if you just looked at official TM websites, for example, www.tm.org, or read any of...

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