Tag: Transcendental Meditation

MSN.com: Christian high school student vindicated after allegedly being forced to participate in Transcendental Meditation ‘Hinduistic Rituals’

MSN.com: Christian high school student vindicated after allegedly being forced to participate in Transcendental Meditation ‘Hinduistic Rituals’

Score one for religious liberty. And if it happened to come at the expense of public education, all the better. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, U.S. District Judge Matthew Kennelly has awarded $150,000 in damages and legal fees to Mariyah Green, a Christian and a former student at Bogan High School in Chicago. Before graduating...

Transcendental Income Accounting – TIA

Transcendental Income Accounting – TIA

Did you know part of the course fees people pay to learn Transcendental Meditation goes to offshore companies? In the restructuring that happened over the years, the Rajas and other managers of the TM organization set up offshore companies in various jurisdictions around the world. One central jurisdiction seems to be the country of Malta,...

Let’s talk about David Lynch – Part 3: the creative person

Let’s talk about David Lynch – Part 3: the creative person

Let’s face it, David Lynch is an ARTIST, and artists can do whatever they want. Freedom of expression derived from freedom of speech is a constitutional right of every person. This is a basic – some say God-given – right expressed in many national constitutions, especially in the United States Constitution. In capitalism the invisible...

RajaLeaks has become a major conspiracy against a ruling family!

RajaLeaks has become a major conspiracy against a ruling family!

A few days ago Raja Grossoffenheit sent me an interesting reference about our RajaLeaks site he researched through an AI search engine. He has been checking to see how our placement in search engines is working and also checking up on knowledge engines that give researchers information about organizations. It seems RajaLeaks has made significant...

Raja Robert Numan gives a warning!

Raja Robert Numan gives a warning!

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and surveillance becomes more pervasive, it is of utmost importance for the leaders of the TM kingdom, the rajas, to maintain a clean financial record. Any bad behavior or financial irregularities on the part of the leaders of the TM kingdom not only reflect poorly on them personally but...

Why whistleblowers are important

Why whistleblowers are important

Whistleblowers play an important role in exposing hidden information and shedding light on situations that would otherwise remain secret. They are individuals who, at great personal risk, choose to come forward and reveal information that is being kept hidden from the public. Whistleblowers are often motivated by a strong sense of ethics and a desire...

The global tangled spaghetti

The global tangled spaghetti

Gentle reader do you remember the International Meditation Society organizations? Maharishi set them up in many countries to teach TM, promote the knowledge, and have an organization the teachers could belong to. Its sister organization was the Students International Meditation Society which operated on college campuses and other education venues. The IMS or SIMS organizations...

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