Raja Robert Numan gives a warning!

Raja Robert Numan gives a warning!

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and surveillance becomes more pervasive, it is of utmost importance for the leaders of the TM kingdom, the rajas, to maintain a clean financial record. Any bad behavior or financial irregularities on the part of the leaders of the TM kingdom not only reflect poorly on them personally but also on the holy tradition of the Shankaras, who have preserved the technique of Transcendental Meditation over centuries in India.

The rajas must be aware that they are being watched and monitored by intelligence services, and any unethical or illegal activities could result in serious consequences for them and the movement as a whole. It is a warning to them that they should remain vigilant and ensure that their financial practices are above board.

Moreover, it is critical that the rajas of the TM kingdom re-examine the concept of the global country of world peace. The idea of a country founded on the principles of transcendental meditation and peace may have seemed like a noble idea in the past, but it has since become tainted by the movement’s involvement in politics.

Instead, the rajas should return to the core values of the original TM movement, as it was in the 1960s and 1970s. They should let go of the concept of a global country and focus on the individual practice of transcendental meditation as a means of achieving inner peace and improving one’s quality of life.

The movement should not be concerned with the creation of a global political entity, but rather with the personal growth and development of its practitioners. By returning to its roots, the TM movement can regain the purity and authenticity that made it so successful in the first place.

In conclusion, it is a warning to the rajas of the TM kingdom that they must stay clean financially due to surveillance by intelligence services and the potential damage it could cause to the holy tradition of the Shankaras. They should also let go of the concept of the global country of world peace and return to the original values of the TM movement. It is only by doing so that the movement can remain relevant and continue to help people achieve inner peace and wellbeing.


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