Why RajaLeaks.org is not a private membership website

Why RajaLeaks.org is not a private membership website

A few days ago I was informed that RajaLeaks.org has been mildly criticized by some members of the TM: The Next Generation” Facebook group. Their Facebook group is membership-only, and therefore their discussion about TMO and the GCWP transpires behind the closed doors of the forum. The complaint was that RajaLeaks is a public website that anybody can read, and we are exposing our articles to the greater world wide web.

TM: The Next Generation | Facebook

A place for the free and safe exchange of ideas, insights, intuition, suggestions and advice gathered from a diverse group of people worldwide. The focus is on creating a positive, long-term future…

We much appreciate these criticisms, as it allows us to think deeply about our goals and also allow us to reflect on this project from another angle. This is A-OK! It is important to use critical thinking, and we thank our critics who are holding a mirror up for RajaLeaks to peer into.

Much thought has gone into why we are doing this. Why are we exposing the inner secrets of TMO and the Global Country of World Peace to the public? To be frank, we haven’t even gotten started yet. There is so much “damming” material we would like to expose. Of course, damming is relative in this context. One person’s “damming” is another person’s “fanatism” and yet another person’s “doing what it takes to bring forth the Age of Enlightenment”.

Some rajas and leaders of the TMO-GCWP will defend their or Maharishi’s decisions until the very end. This is normal behavior for an organization gone wrong. We can’t help them, but we can help some of the rajas and leaders change their course. We must understand that Maharishi was human and he was surrounded by human advisors. Or were his advisor’s repulsive extraterrestrials like in John Carpenter’s movie “They Live”? Just kidding! The advisors were very human, and mistakes were made over decades.

But why public exposure?

Since the Global Country of World Peace was founded many aspects of the TM Movement have changed. The once thriving spiritual movement was turned into a country-like organization with its government with ministers, printed money, and political objectives.

It became Natural Law “Party” 2.0. sort of.

However whereas the original Natural Law Party was promoting a unique kind of democracy, the GCWP started promoting a unique kind of non-democracy – an actual global kingdom, with its royals and interesting titles.

Whereas the Natural Law Party promoted its ideals in printed materials and public forums, and the candidates stood in front of the people who questioned them, the GCWP is hiding in the shadows not willing to discuss its political structure and objectives with the greater public in a meaningful way.

Whereas the Natural Law Party candidates were listed on ballots, and ultimately voted on by the very public they wished to dominate with their political platform, the GCWP is more sinister in its methods, even to the point of being investigated for attempting to promote their local meditator to be a crowned king of a certain tribal nation.

As a general rule organizations and their leaders who wish to dominate or control society or any part of it are expected to endure more scrutiny and more public press. This is especially true for an organization like The Global Country of World Peace, which stated that its leader Maha Raja Nader is sovereign. That’s a heavy word with a very heavy political meaning. During ceremonies, he wears a golden crown, and sometimes sits on a golden throne, with a world map over his head. The symbolism tells of a person who was selected to rule. Therefore the public has the right to know who this Maha Raja is, who are his local kings and what they are doing.

In the past, representatives of the Transcendental Meditation Movement and the new Global Country of World Peace have stated that organizations are not religious, TM is not a religion, and they are not a cult. Therefore the crowns of the rajas cannot be interpreted as religious headdresses. Those crowns are not bishop hats! They have to be taken at face value as actual crowns of kings since their communication has been along those lines. We accept this interpretation because it is consistent with their country’s narrative. The crowns are not religious symbols, they are symbols used in a political rulership sense.

The public has a right to know who these kings are, what they represent, what are their plans, what have they done in the past, what are their political goals, what form of government they support, etc.

Since Transcendental Meditation is taught to school children, the parents and the school administration have a right to know.

Since Transcendental Meditation is taught to military veterans, the veterans have a right to know what these kings and the supporting foundations are doing.

Since Transcendental Meditation is being taught to politicians, they have a right to know what this whole global government narrative is about. They have a right to analyze the future political potentialities for sure, but of course, anything else can be analyzed by them. They don’t even have to meditate to express an interest in the narrative communicated by the organizations. In the future we will approach politicians and other government officials with the data that is presented on our website and other data we will not publish on our website. We are interested in their opinion about the whole thing.

Since Transcendental Meditation nowadays is represented by the Global Country of World Peace, all governments have a right to know what this new country is about, and what its history is.

Since Transcendental Meditation is promoted worldwide, just about everyone has the right to know what is going on. At least one GCWP publication compared the Maha Raja to the great rulers and dynasties of the ancient and modern world. The entire world has a right to know who these people are and how dangerous or how beneficial they are.

Since there were TM projects which were partially financed with tax dollars, therefore the public has a right to know what kind of organization(s) used those monies.

Since the GCWP and TM movement are intertwined we cannot make a distinction between the TM technique educational organizations and the global country, therefore both types of organizations are discussed in RajaLeaks.

In summary, the right to know is a very important concept to understand. When an organization(s) set their sight on a virtual regional or world rulership or at least makes a show of setting up some kind of “country” and “kings”, then the public has the right to know. When parts of their conglomerate organization consumes tax money, the public has a right to know and can demand transparency.

Please also remember these kings aka the Rajas, the government members, and other public persons of the GCWP and the TM Movement are public figures in a legal sense, according to our legal journalistic understanding of such matters. The public has a right to scrutinize them. Transparency is called for!


We wish to fill this information gap, to show the public what is going on in the Transcendental Meditation Movement aka Global Country of World Peace.


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