Heil Ram Raj

Heil Ram Raj

In many parts of India, Hindus often invoke the popular god Ram’s name as a greeting. But in recent years, Hindu lynch mobs have turned Ram’s name into a murder cry, writes the BBC’s Geeta Pandey in Delhi.

Jai Shri RAM is the battle cry of the ultra nationist, and probably the fascist Hindutva movement across India. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is the paramilitary wing of the Hindutva movement with over 6 million members, all of whom revere Lord Ram and wish to see a pure Hindu nation. The RSS has been linked to many violent acts and even terrorist acts. Some consider the RSS the number one terrorist organization in India, which allegedly even blew up a passenger train in years past. The fanatic who murdered Mahatma Gandhi was also an RSS member.

So, what is Tony Nader, the Maharaja of the Global Country of World Peace, doing with the leader of the RSS? Why did they praise each other in India at the multi-thousand WPA course this January? Why did the Maharaja or some raja even invite RSS leaders to the WPA?

Dr. Mohan Madhukar Rao Bhagwat, current head of the RSS, Maharaja's VIP guest

You know, the rajas with all their offshore companies and their fishy spiritual country are starting to look like a James Bond villain syndicate.

In a way, it makes sense in a raja-like way. Jai Shri RAM-chanting youth, some of them armed, pushing their plan to a higher level.

The Global Country of World Peace already has a RAAM currency, a central bank, and country establishment plans. The Maharaja Adhiram Rajaram, and Jai Shri RAM fit perfectly together.

This is starting to look like an episode from the Twilight Zone. Strange stuff indeed!!


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