On January 10, 2025, Tony Nader’s birthday celebration took place in Vlodrop, the Netherlands. The neo-Hindu Maharaja, Tony Nader, joined the event remotely from India. As it turned out, the Offshore Maharaja was attending the founding ceremony of the Maharishi Veda Land in India. Tony Nader introduced a new personal brand: this time, he posed with his wife under the umbrella traditionally used by the Shankaracharyas, but without the clownish crown. We’ve prepared a 1-hour-46-minute version of the cult-like celebration, where, at the end of the video, among the Hindu deities, Krishna himself is seen joyfully welcoming the heaven on earth that has now been delayed for 50 years.
Here is the religious head of the TM movement. Would you learn TM and promote it in your non-meditating family if this was the image you saw? If you were Catholic or Jewish, would this be attractive for you? Probably not, if you’re honest about your opinion. You would probably would not want your kids to get near this organization. Later, you would feel justified in avoiding this organization after seeing King Nader with his golden Maharaja crown sitting on his golden throne. After seeing the Maharaja with his multitude of golden-crowned rajas during a semi-religious celebration, you would likely just laugh.
Although, in this current picture, the royal couple is not seen with crowns, the image still gives a religious-like feeling. So this is where we are at: the once-great meditation movement, which claimed to be non-religious and open to all religious people, has settled into a state of an offshore accounting-driven, sect-like operation.
The Hare Krishna Movement’s flute-playing Krishna is seen in the supposedly non-religious TM Organization video. What next? A merger & acquisition with the Hare Krishna sect? TMO is already showing itself with the Sai Baba movement leader and other religious Indian organizations. We are a long way from the original TM ideals. It’s a shame.