Another revelation: Dr. Tony Nader did not discover the Veda in the human physiology

Another revelation: Dr. Tony Nader did not discover the Veda in the human physiology

Surely, our dear readers will remember that in February 1998, Dr. Tony Nader was rewarded with gold bars equivalent to weight by Maharishi for discovering the Veda and Vedic Literature in the human physiology. Well, as revealed a few days ago in the Facebook group “TM: Next Generation,” a 158-page book titled The Vedic Gods as Figures of Biology was published in 1931, meaning that, even with the greatest generosity, one cannot say that King Tony, the incarnation of Rama, made this discovery. Let’s put it this way: Adhiraj Rajaraam, who now imagines himself as the ruler of the world and the Universe, expanded on the discovery made in the 1930s. So, who really deserves the gold?

Revisiting the vedic discovery: The overlooked MIU high school student and the misattributed credit in the TMO

We should also remember the MIU high school student who around 1985 was mentioned in the MIU REVIEW publication circulated on campus as having discovered the Veda in human physiology. He shown standing next to Keith Wallace and another proffessor. The article mentioned the student having investigated the DNA coding as similar ro the Rik Ved structure. He should also be given credit for that discovery wouldnt you say? So Tony is later crowned as king of the TM movement based on his fantastic insight which was known already to many. Still creditis do to Tony for leadimg the research team that researched this in more depth, but first discovery it was NOT!! The rest of the crazyness followed with attempted sovereign country founding, run in with the Costa Rica secret service, RAAM currency and Central Bank estsblishment and rest of the idiotic actioms by the holiest of rajas that followed. All based on a discovery that was not!

Lisa Lindberg says in the Facebook post:

“In April or May 1972 at an SCI symposium – presided over by MMY – during the Fiuggi, Italy TTC, i personally heard Keith Wallace cite passages from this book by Rele. And I took notes. Well before Nader ever appeared on the scene, this work was known by Wallace, Maharishi, et al. Not at all a “discovery” by Nader.”

The plagiarised book can be downloaded here:


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