Dr. Tony Nader Lies About Being the Sole Keynote Speaker at an Official UN Meditation Event

Dr. Tony Nader Lies About Being the Sole Keynote Speaker at an Official UN Meditation Event

The Hungarian blog critical of the TM movement, tm.meditacio.hu, has published a revealing article about Tony Nader’s latest falsehood. “The UN has declared December 21 as International Meditation Day, as stated on the organization’s website. Dr. Tony Nader, the leader of the international Transcendental Meditation movement, who owns two offshore companies and lives lavishly in a mansion worth nearly 10 billion HUF, has taken control of the narrative and latched onto the high-profile event like a leech: he is lying about being the sole keynote speaker at the official UN celebration. Firstly, the UN is not hosting any official meditation event. Secondly, the organization promotes mindfulness meditation on its website and various YouTube channels. At the same time, neither TM nor Tony Nader is mentioned on the official UN site,” the blog reports.

Dr. Tony Nader’s Shame – The Decline of TM

The World Meditation Day page on the UN website can be found at https://www.un.org/en/observances/meditation-day. The UN’s website features a video from the United Nations Academic Impact YouTube channel under the subtitle: “Unlocking your Emotions to Achieve the SDGs: Mindfulness & Meditation in Government.”

This UN YouTube video discusses the application of mindfulness and meditation in government, featuring interviews with Danny Penman, author of Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World, and Chris Ruane, a Member of Parliament who advocates for mindfulness training in politics. They highlight the benefits of mindfulness for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, improving decision-making, fostering empathy, and enhancing conflict resolution. The speakers emphasize mindfulness’s role in cultivating crucial soft skills—like compassion and cooperation—essential for navigating complex organizational settings and global challenges. The discussion includes the implementation of mindfulness training programs in various parliaments worldwide and its potential to improve governance.

The UN website also promotes another mindfulness-related video titled “Mindfulness in UN Work and Diplomacy: A Conversation with Jon Kabat-Zinn”, featured on the UN Human Rights YouTube channel.

Tony Nader’s Propaganda Machine in Action

On December 15, 2024, the TM movement registered the domain worldmeditationday.world. Among other things, they use this website to spread the false claim that Tony Nader will be the sole keynote speaker at an official UN event.

Dr. Tony Nader to Inaugurate World Meditation Day

Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR, the globally recognized Vedic scholar and successor to the renowned Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as world head of the Transcendental Meditation® organization, has been invited by the core group of organizing UN member states as the only keynote speaker at the UN’s official celebratory event in New York City on 20 December. This will also coincide with a non-stop program of meditation that will circle the Earth on Saturday, 21 December 2024, starting at the same time in New Zealand.

Dr. Nader says, “At the very beginning of its preamble, the Constitution of UNESCO famously states, ‘Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be established.’ Now, the 193 nations of the UN have resolved to use the power of meditation to do this. I invite every meditator in the world to take a first step in establishing world peace at 8:00 AM in your local time and again at 5:00 PM on World Meditation Day.”

“Our goal is to have large, permanent groups of experts in the TM and TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying, in many locations—in schools, colleges, and universities; in workplaces; in the military—wherever people routinely come together. This will produce enough coherence in our collective world consciousness that violence of all kinds will subside. Then, collective meditation will not be for just one day but will be happening 365 days every year, and our world will at last be at peace.” – as reported on the website.

World Meditation Day | World Meditation Day

Meditators in all parts of the world are invited to begin your morning meditation at 8:00 AM local time* on Saturday, 21 December. As the globe turns, hour by hour, time zone by time zone, each of us will start our morning meditation at 8:00 AM.

Tony Nader Lies on His Own Social Media

Tony Nader’s lie highlighted in red,
photo-credit: facebook.com/DrTonyNader

Spreading Lies Through Press Releases

The falsehood propagated by Tony Nader is also disseminated in the form of press releases—below is an example issued by the Australian TM movement:

PRESS RELEASE: Head of the Global Transcendental Meditation Organisation, Dr. Tony Nader appointed Keynote Speaker for United Nations ‘World Meditation Day’ – Get The Word Out

All 193 member states of the United Nations General Assembly have unanimously proclaimed 21 December 2024 (AEDT) to be the very first global ‘World Meditation Day.’ The globally recognised Vedic scholar and head of the Transcendental Meditation® organisation, Tony Nader MD, PhD has been invited by the core group of organising UN member states as […]

And the Reality

Dr. Tony Nader, who collaborates with Hindutva nationalists, will indeed give a speech, but not at an official UN event. Instead, it will be at a private event organized by a few UN members, as detailed below.

The official UN event page at www.un.org/en/collection/54315/6826 does not list the event imagined by Dr. Tony Nader and his misled followers.

Here is where the neo-Hindu cult-like TM movement stands: the UN promotes and applies mindfulness, while Transcendental Meditation has been relegated to the periphery, and Tony Nader resorts to lying. Why? We are convinced that the decline of TM began in the 2000s with the appearance of the gold-crowned neo-Hindu charlatan kings and culminated in 2024 with their collaboration with Hindutva nationalists and the RSS terrorist organization. This is the primary reason why TM has fallen out of favor, and no longer receives government support for scientific research. Instead, they peddle easily debunked propaganda to their followers, creating the illusion that Tony Nader and Transcendental Meditation are recognized and promoted by the UN.

Update – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar gave a talk among UN diplomats, while Tony Nader rambled about world peace to a group of 15-20 people sitting on plastic chairs

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar delivered a speech at the UN’s official event for the International Day of Meditation, while Tony Nader and TM were not even mentioned by the UN


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