Tag: Mahatma Gandhi

“Tony’s King Hidden Trait” – A Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi’s Legacy

“Tony’s King Hidden Trait” – A Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi’s Legacy

In “Tony’s King Hidden Trait,” a haunting melody explores the tension between history and the quest for peace. The song follows Tony Nader, a figure with a concealed personality, who transcends the states of consciousness while inviting a leader from the RSS—an organization once associated with Nathuram Godse, the man responsible for assassinating Mahatma Gandhi—to...

Heil Ram Raj

Heil Ram Raj

In many parts of India, Hindus often invoke the popular god Ram’s name as a greeting. But in recent years, Hindu lynch mobs have turned Ram’s name into a murder cry, writes the BBC’s Geeta Pandey in Delhi. Jai Shri RAM is the battle cry of the ultra nationist, and probably the fascist Hindutva movement...

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