How to Understand the Raja Kingdom – part 6: The government

How to Understand the Raja Kingdom – part 6: The government

First of all, it is important to understand that the Global Country of World Peace is a non-profit corporation registered in Vedic City in Iowa, United States of America, which seems to be their global headquarters.

The building at the address given above is a Vedic-style building.

The golden letters on the front face of the building proudly proclaim:


Their country flag rises high on a flag pole in front of the building, which looks like this.

This flag makes it clear that their country is linked to the proverbial solar dynasty.

Their raja crowns also make this bold visual statement.

In another article we will publish more proof of this imagined proverbial connection.

Since this corporation claims to be run by a Maha Raja, meaning a “Great King”, the Global Country of World Peace can be rightfully considered a KINGDOM versus say a democratic republic.

Of course, this organizational structure is just virtual, it’s the inside workings of a corporation registered in Iowa. However since they have done many things to place themselves on the political map as a genuine separate country, including attempting to secure land for themselves to set up a sovereign state, we can consider this corporation as a lobbying organization or perhaps a trailblazing business venture to set up the initial conditions before the actual declaration of nationhood is made on land they secure. In actuality, they have already proclaimed their kingdom and governmental structure and printed their own money.

They sort of already exist in the international sphere as a country without a territory, one that is not recognized by any other nation. It’s a gray area in a legal sense, declaring your kingdom while living in some other nation’s territory. It’s a bold statement for sure.

International law does not require a country to be registered in any particular nation or with some international organization that keeps track of countries. The United Nations is not an organization that decides whether a country exists or not, it is a membership organization, that accepts members who claim to be countries, and this is voted on by the members. For sure U.N. membership elevates the status of the country and makes the member a bona fide legitimate country, yet some countries are not members of the U.N. for example Vatican City. There being no requirement to register somewhere as a country before the country can be considered “real” makes this whole Raja kingdom thing very serious and at the same time hilarious.

If people who share some identifying characteristic, be it an ethnic lineage or religious beliefs decide to break away from the country they live in, they can decide to form a new separate country, but then of course they must defend their breakaway territory, and other political and military acts must be accomplished before that new nation is considered a real nation. Several half-way-existing countries around the world have broken away from some other country or have been invaded by a neighboring country and haven’t ceded control. These halfway legitimate countries exist in an international limbo state, sort of being sovereign and not.

Then there is the financial control of these countries. The Rajas have placed much emphasis on having their Central Bank operating on their sovereign land. This sounds suspicious to me, after all, it would allow money to flow in the international financial sphere since their sovereign bank would be the conduit once they become integrated into the world financial system. However financial audits and money fraud investigations would be under sovereign control for the most part. Given what has happened over 40 years in the TM Movement and GCWP, I wonder what the real purpose of a sovereign Central Bank could be.

I am using the terms “nation” and “country”, and they have specific meanings, yet they are also often used interchangeably. A nation is more related the ethnicity or religion or some other shared characteristic and can exist outside given boundaries. A country is more rigid, and defined by boundaries, and not so much by ethnicity or religion. Generally, a sovereign state is considered a territory with a population that can legally interact with other states/nations/countries. These three terms are very similar. By the end of the year, we will put together a list of terms related to TMO and GCWP and publish the commonly accepted definitions on our website. In my view, the GCWP should be a nation and not a country by name. “TM nation” or “Global Nation of World Peace” would be more descriptive and possibly represent less threat to existing countries with developed intelligence organizations on the lookout for possible dangers to their country. Names do matter, and political symbols like crowns do matter too. The whole thing is royally messed up! (pun intended)

The GCWP corporation established in Iowa could be considered a forerunner or precursor to the actual nation/country/state they wished to form. The former Security Minister of Costa Rica in a published news article claimed GCWP wished to set up an “independent state”. Another news article from another country claimed GCWP wished to form a “Vatican-like mini-state” within their country.

Years ago GCWP went so far as to advertise citizenship and passports in their global country which is either a legal way to gather citizens under a national flag for a new country, or perhaps it’s a kind of fraud, simply because passports are documents proving citizenships in a real nation, and allowing passage into other countries. They are issued by real countries, and examined by other countries to see if they are legitimate. It may have been a fraudulent offer by GCWP if they considered those yet-to-be-issued passports as bonafide travel documents proving citizenship. Legal opinions are welcome regarding this attempt of theirs.

Besides the great king Tony Nader, who occupies a similar position in government as a President of a country, there is also His Excellency Dr. Bevan Morris who is the Prime Minister of the global country. Bevan Morris is quite qualified in the knowledge of TM and the various educational programs, as he was the President of Maharishi International University for many decades, and he currently is the President of Maharishi European Research University and has held various other high positions in the TM Movement.

If there is a Prime Minister there must be Ministers working for him as in any governmental structure. Here is a list of those Ministers, although this is an old list at least ten years old.

As we can see, there is a Minister of Science and Technology, who is currently the President of Maharishi International University, and the Raja of the United States. Dr. John Hagelin is a very qualified person with many good ideas. We can see there is a medical doctor who is in charge of the health of the nation. Since this list is old, we can see Dr. Benjamin Feldman listed as the finance minister under whose leadership the RAAM money was introduced and the Central Bank was set up. He is no longer in the TM Movement, and we will have an article about him in the future.

A real Indian general although retired from his official position is listed as Minister of Defense for the global country. What does this mean? Would he be in charge of the security organization guarding the sovereign land of the global country? We assume if there is a sovereign land, it must be protected, and border controls must be set up. In any case, we are not even sure if he is on the current list of Ministers. We have not been able to find a current list of Ministers on any GCWP website. Are they hiding this list?

Then there are the crowned rajas themselves, who allegedly form a group called the council of rajas which is kind of a parliament within the global country, but without real teeth. Allegedly this council makes recommendations to the Prime Minister and the Maha Raja. We would like to find out more about this internal council and the decisions they have made over the years. For sure they have written records of their proceedings. If someone knows more, please write us.

Of course, each raja is assigned one or more real countries which he manages for the global country. These crowned individuals can be considered “country managers” who are responsible for the TM and other related activities in the countries assigned to them. However, there is some confusion here, because those crowns speak of the political leadership of a nation, and the word “raja” refers to kings and noblemen. So there may be other motives behind this political-looking structure. Given that the TM Movement in the past set up “The World Government of the Age of Enlightenment” and gave TM teachers who were also TM-sidhas the title of “Governors”, there may be more here than meets the eye. It must also be remembered that the TM Movement sprung a worldwide political platform and the Natural Law Parties that were established in at least 60 countries and entered political races on national and regional levels.

This may be some strange political cult mentality we are seeing here, and they currently are not thinking in terms of democratic ideals, but in terms of kings, queens, royalties, and sovereign rule over their nation. How long before they create a tax authority and tax the citizens? How long before they purchase weapons and enter military alliances to protect the land they may acquire for the kingdom? Luckily no real country has taken them up on their offers. Yet, the whole governmental structure reeks of deep desires for political control over their people, the meditators, sidhas, and teachers.

Let us hope the Rajas and other managers in the TM sphere recognize that Maharishi always made it clear Transcendental Meditation is compatible with democracy, monarchies, dictatorships, communism, socialism, and capitalism. It can make the life of the people better in any system, and we as TM teachers just offer the meditation technique, that is all. As can be understood from the governmental structure of the Global Country of World Peace – even it’s name is offensive – it just makes people of any nation wonder what the real mission is of the GCWP, and may even raise feelings that GCWP is some kind of New World Order thing or some kind of open borders initiative hidden behind a world-famous meditation technique.

I have experienced the reaction non-meditators show when they find out TM is traded through the Raja Kingdom, which is just repulsive to any high-level person who loves his nation, and works for the betterment of his people. Or could it be the rajas don’t want to work with patriotic people, and they only want to work with people who have globalist ideas in their minds? I remember when the rajas asked people to place the global country flag on flag poles, which some people did. There are military men everywhere – worldwide – who recognize the symbolism in these acts and don’t appreciate other countries, be it virtual or not, planting flags in the soil their ancestors shed blood for. It is precisely the patriotic people of every nation who should – among others – take up TM and establish groups of meditators. Maha Raja, what has your organization done? What is the overall message your kingdom is projecting? Think about it.


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