Author: Raja von Grossoffenheit (Raja von Grossoffenheit)

Scandals of Maharishi’s Disciple Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – Part 2: Sri Sri and Hindutva-Nazism – Is “Gurudev” a Nazi?

Scandals of Maharishi’s Disciple Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – Part 2: Sri Sri and Hindutva-Nazism – Is “Gurudev” a Nazi?

Birds of a feather flock together! A number of photos of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar posing with Mohan Madhukar Rao Bhagwat, the leader of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), one of the world’s largest paramilitary ethno-nationalist Hindutva-organisations, have appeared in the Indian press. Behold the saffron fraternity, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the “Hindutva Baba”. India...

How to understand the Raja Kingdom – Part 7: The offshore shadowy connections

How to understand the Raja Kingdom – Part 7: The offshore shadowy connections

Bing-ChatGPT, the online AI system knows about the Global Country of World Peace’s offshore connections. Raja von Grossoffenheit asked the Bing-ChatGPT AI system if it’s aware of GCWP offshore connections. The answer was as follows: “Yes, the Global Country of World Peace (GCWP) has been mentioned in the context of offshore entities. According to the...

RajaLeaks short: Controversial Shift in the Transcendental Meditation Leadership

RajaLeaks short: Controversial Shift in the Transcendental Meditation Leadership

Did you know that after the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s passing in 2008, the Rajas, the kings of the Global Country of World Peace, established a new TM organization with offshore companies inserted in the corporate structure? These offshore companies hide much of the organization’s financial details, and the money flows from public scrutiny. The...

RajaLeaks short: Transfer of Transcendental Meditation Movement Properties and Trademarks

RajaLeaks short: Transfer of Transcendental Meditation Movement Properties and Trademarks

The TM teachers, sidhas, meditators, and the public are not aware of how the Raja Kingdom has taken over the TM Movement and how it accomplished that. Many stories are coming out now about trademarks being transferred to offshore companies – essentially tax-haven countries where financial data is non-transparent. The Rajas for example Raja Dr....

RajaLeaks shorts: Did you know – Maharishi had fathered children?

RajaLeaks shorts: Did you know – Maharishi had fathered children?

This short vídeo tells about how the founder of the Transcendental Meditation Movement His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had fathered children. He was no celibate monk as many claimed he was. One close associate of the founder claimed Maharishi’s passport contained a line about his occupation in which it was written “Bal Brahmachari” meaning monk....

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 19-22

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 19-22

This is a series of vedeos, based upon the SexySadie.pdf, written by Robert Gordon-McCutchen a former skin boy of Maharishi, and a close witness of what happened around Maharishi during those years. Robert was a skin-boy, and close to Maharishi. The skin boys were those men who carried Maharishi’s deer skin to the lecture halls...

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 16-18

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 16-18

his is a series of videos, based upon the SexySadie.pdf, written by Robert Gordon-McCutchen a former skin boy of Maharishi, and a close witness of what happened around Maharishi during those years. Robert was a skin-boy, and close to Maharishi. The skin boys were those men who carried Maharishi’s deer skin to the lecture halls...

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 13-15

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 13-15

This is a series of vídeos, based upon the SexySadie.pdf, written by Robert Gordon-McCutchen a former skin boy of Maharishi, and a close witness of what happened around Maharishi during those years. Robert was a skin-boy, and close to Maharishi. The skin boys were those men who carried Maharishi’s deer skin to the lecture halls...

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 10-12

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 10-12

This is a series of vídeos, based upon the SexySadie.pdf, written by Robert Gordon-McCutchen a former skin boy of Maharishi, and a close witness of what happened around Maharishi during those years. Robert was a skin-boy, and close to Maharishi. The skin boys were those men who carried Maharishi’s deer skin to the lecture halls...

RajaLeaks shorts: Did you know – the trademarks are owned by offshore companies?

RajaLeaks shorts: Did you know – the trademarks are owned by offshore companies?

These short video will highlight one or more small facts about the Transcendental Meditation Organization and/or the Global Country of World Peace. This first short vídeo tells about the Transcendental Meditation course fees and the tax haven offshore companies that are connected to the trademarks and the money flows.

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 7-9

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 7-9

This is a series of vídeos, based upon the SexySadie.pdf, written by Robert Gordon-McCutchen a former skin boy of Maharishi, and a close witness of what happened around Maharishi during those years. Robert was a skin-boy, and close to Maharishi. The skin boys were those men who carried Maharishi’s deer skin to the lecture halls...

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 4-6

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 4-6

This is a series of vídeos, based upon the SexySadie.pdf, written by Robert Gordon-McCutchen a former skin boy of Maharishi, and a close witness of what happened around Maharishi during those years. Robert was a skin-boy, and close to Maharishi. The skin boys were those men who carried Maharishi’s deer skin to the lecture halls...

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 1-3

Sexy Sadie Story: A TM story by a former Maharishi confidant – Part 1-3

Today we start a new series of vídeos, based upon the SexySadie.pdf, written by Robert Gordon-McCutchen a former skin boy of Maharishi, and a close witness of what happened around Maharishi during those years. Robert was a skin-boy, and close to Maharishi. The skin boys were those men who carried Maharishi’s deer skin to the...

A heartfelt song about the Global Country of World Peace

A heartfelt song about the Global Country of World Peace

Recently Raja Newman and I have worked on song lyrics that aim to express the silent voice of many TM teachers, sidhas, and meditators, who have been watching the train wreck developing in the kingdom of TM. … Raja Newman’s sister was so kind as to give the lyrics a beautiful voice. Here is the...

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