Back in April 2013, a blog page presented a summary of the Transcendental Meditation Movement and the new Raja Kingdom. It was a critical summary and even mentioned the fiasco by the Raja of Germany. Many readers may not agree with everything that was written by this individual, yet the writer attempted to compile a report according to his skeptical viewpoint.
I am glad he mentioned fascism, as there are certain things very wrong with the Raja Kingdom, which can be best described in terms of fascism. If an organization claims to be a country and has made attempts to establish an actual sovereign nation, then one must consider what kind of government, and what kind of laws they would set up for themselves. Since their sovereign nation has not been established yet in a specific geographic area, one must examine what rules, policies, and methods they have used in the past to further their goals.
Fascism may be too harsh of a term at this stage, but it can be inferred that the Global Country of World Peace could become a fascist nation. Certainly, there are tendencies in that direction. So check out the website link above, to see how outsiders view the TM and GCWP organizations.
The Rajas and the current national leaders are hiding the structure of the international TM organization. Does anyone know of an official TM website where one can see all the kings and queens and ministers of the global country? There seems to be no mention of that global structure anywhere.
The main focus of the author of that blog is the Prem Rawat cult of the 1970s, but he makes mention of the many gurus that came to the West. The following link is about “Eastern Religion in the West: The First 100 Years”. It is fascinating to read about the many gurus that dipped into the Western market.
Here is an overview of the Divine Light Mission cult the blog author writes about.
These are not all the pages, for that you have to look through the whole site.
It’s quite fascinating how this Divine Light Mission empire weaved its way into Indian politics.

The Maharaj’s brother was elected to the Indian Parlament in 1996 and held important government positions for over 15 years. Maharaj’s brother and Prime Minister Modi can be seen together in the photo above.
Maharishi’s relatives in India have also cultivated friendships with the Modi government in India. Maharishi’s relatives manage an organization estimated to be worth 8 billion dollars, so this seems natural. The extent of the cooperation between Maharishi’s relatives and Indian political leaders is unresearched at this point, yet may reveal hidden secrets. This is a hint to those inclined to research and have access to Indian information resources.
So the Prem Rawat Divine Light Mission was another cult with a Maharaj leader who also lived in Malibu for a while. It seems these Maharajas like the coastal areas for some reason. For sure he was NOT like Tony Nader. Our Tony Nader is much better, much more knowledgeable. The leader of the Prem Rawat cult inherited the title “perfect master”, and a golden crown. Sound familiar?
So how do these spiritual leaders with crowns end up?
Reminds me of what Guru Dev said about gurus who go after money – Raj gorus.

The site also mentions “the never-ending fund-raising”. Sound familiar?
The site has numerous articles found under the menu items, detailing the rise and fall of that organization headed by a Maha Raja. The site is a documentary or perhaps a memorial to that Divine Mission cult. It may seem as irrelevant to our problem with TMO-GCWP, yet there are several similarities one cannot ignore. I am just speculating, but perhaps the author of that site noticed the similarities between that cult and the TM organization – thus the page about TM. It is interesting to read about people in the clutches of a Maha Raja organization which was also about meditation and world peace and had its share of scandals.
At RajaLeaks we are writing about the organization called Global Country of World Peace and its many kings. The blog mentioned in this article offers a glimpse into another spiritual organization that also had a king. Many spiritual organizations have gone off track. Perhaps we can learn something from their mistakes.