How to Understand the raja kingdom – part 5: King Tony Nader’s OFFSHORE Company

How to Understand the raja kingdom – part 5: King Tony Nader’s OFFSHORE Company

Did you know that King Tony Nader, the leader of the Transcendental Meditation Movement, after taking up the clown crown, set up an offshore company on October 17th, 2006?

National governments and their tax authorities have a suspicious view of anyone who owns or runs an offshore company, even if it is perfectly legal according to national laws. Many banks, also have rules in place about account holders who transact with others in offshore jurisdictions. Some banks will even question persons and have them fill out and sign numerous documents under penalty of perjury, who transact with or are part of offshore companies, sometimes leading to the one-sided closure of bank accounts. It can even happen that the bank will close a business’s bank account and give no reason whatsoever if it suspects the person is transacting with offshore companies. The international community over the years, meaning governments, banks, and large corporations has become increasingly weary of offshore banking or companies operating from offshore jurisdictions. There is a move towards “clean” transparent and supervisable banking so governments and tax authorities can see the money flows. Money laundering, tax evasion, and criminal activities are increasingly being squeezed out of the global financial system, which often happens in offshore jurisdictions. These are mostly island nations and small countries on land.

On the topic of offshore companies, Wikipedia writes:

Offshore companies are used for a variety of commercial and private purposes, some legitimate and economically beneficial, whilst others may be harmful or even criminal. Allegations are frequently made in the press about offshore companies being used for money laundering, tax evasion, fraud, and other forms of white collar crime. Offshore companies are also used in a wide variety of commercial transactions, from generic holding companies, to joint ventures and listing vehicles. Offshore companies are also used widely in connection with private wealth for tax mitigation and privacy. The use of offshore companies, particularly in tax planning, has become controversial in recent years, and a number of high-profile companies have ceased using offshore entities in their group structure as a result of public campaigns for such companies to pay their “fair share” of Government taxes.”

A detailed description of offshore companies can be found in Wikipedia, however, it is a complex topic that has many ramifications, both positive and negative. This article just gives a taste of the subject:

Offshore company – Wikipedia

The term “offshore company” or “offshore corporation” is used in at least two distinct and different ways. An offshore company may be a reference to: The former use (companies formed in offshore jurisdictions) is probably the more common usage of the term.

Tony Nader, was transparent about who the owners are in his offshore company, so we could find it, and he did not use the usual trick of having a nominee director or ownership hidden similarly. So that’s a plus on his side. Yet why even have an offshore company? Is it for tax planning? Is it for something else? Does he have such a large income or a set of assets, to make this worthwhile? These details will be hidden because of the nature of offshore companies.

Because the Maha Raja of the Global Country of World Peace is officially a king in his nation/country, that begs the question, do the “citizens” of that nation have a right to know what the King’s assets are, and how he acquired those assets? In many countries around the world, it is a requirement for public officials – government leaders – to provide a report every year on their assets and incomes. This is normal for public figures in government.

Who is a public figure?

In the United States the Supreme Court defined PUBLIC FIGURES as:

The Supreme Court has defined public figures as those who hold government office and those who have achieved a role of special prominence in the affairs of society by reason of notoriety of their achievements or vigor and success with which they seek public’s attention.“

It is a normal consideration that public figures who are in a government be subjected to the scrutiny of the public they serve, including information about their financial assets and incomes. However, since The Global Country of World Peace is NOT the United States, but something separate from it, operating under its own laws, perhaps rules set by the Maha Raja, or the Council of Rajas, or whoever, the idea that the Maha Raja, the Rajas, or the organization open up and be transparent is a taboo subject.

RajaLeaks is working on breaking these taboos, and investigating further.

There is also a legal relationship between the United States and the Global Country of World Peace, a corporation registered in Vedic City, which is in Iowa, USA. There are laws in the United States that apply to many of the Rajas, and the global country itself.

We are determined to move forward to gain a deeper understanding of the events over the past years and to notify our government representatives about this organization.

Raja von Grossoffenheit prepared a short YouTube video on the subject of Maha Raja’s offshore company, which by the way is called:

Ocean Continental Holdings Limited, registered in the British Virgin Islands

King Tony Nader’s offshore company

Did you know that King Tony Nader, the leader of the Transcendental Meditation Movement, after taking up the clown crown, set up an offshore company with his…


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