Let’s talk about David Lynch – Part 4: a poem about his BIZARRO art

Let’s talk about David Lynch – Part 4: a poem about his BIZARRO art

Let’s get very critical about his art; after all, he is one of the faces of the Global Country of World Peace, and their hijacked world-wide Transcendental Meditation Movement.

In our previous article entitled,

Let’s talk about David Lynch – Part 3 – the creative person”,

I presented a critical view of his art displayed in Moscow to an unsuspecting crowd interested in the DLF school meditation program and Mr. Lynch as a film director. Although David showed art that is quite nice (the black and white photos for example), there is also a darker side to David’s art personality – the BIZARRO art that is hard to explain, difficult to understand, and seems to be a result of some past – possibly past life – trauma or simply is a mental condition. Many artists are like that, and the world accepts their creativity for what it is.

However, in the context of teaching Transcendental Meditation to children, and in Russia of all places, this display of Mr. Lynch’s bizarro art is just plain WEIRD!

Take this piece of art showing a blue-faced woman, and a man doing something to the woman. David, is this your art to convince the former Soviet Union officials to adopt the TM program for school-aged children? Where is Robert Roth, to hold back Mr. Bizzarro Art from these Public Relations disasters?

Then there is this piece, whose face looks like splashed feces. What was Mr. Bizzarro Art feeling when he was creating this feces-looking masterpiece? What is the value of TM according to this piece of art? Yes, artists can do anything, they have total freedom in society, but what of DLF and the Global Country of World Peace? Do they have the freedom to associate David’s art with the Holy Tradition of Masters, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Transcendental Meditation, and all the rest of the Vedic knowledge?

If there was a normal TM Movement, TM teachers, and Sidha/meditators would be up in arms and would protest against this kind of marketing. However since we don’t have a normal TM movement and since the global country of Rajas has abducted the TM Movement, excommunicated many teachers, diverted the royalties and donations to the Raja-established offshore/onshore companies, and closed the Maharishi-founded “international” organization, there is no normal TM Movement anymore. Would Maharishi have allowed this association of David’s Bizarro art and himself, Guru Dev, and even the holy tradition of masters? Come on, you know the answer if you are honest with yourself.

Remember the DLF foundation’s motto is “Change begins within”. Change is what we need, even though it would take years to heal the harm coming from the rajas. Perhaps this would be a next-life project.

Below is a poem generated with the help of Raja Robert Numan, and put together by Raja von Grossoffenheit. This expresses our critical view of Mr. Lynch’s promotional activities.


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