The day the raja kingdom broke away from Maharishi’s TM movement

The day the raja kingdom broke away from Maharishi’s TM movement

You may be surprised, but it seems as though the Rajas and their Global Country of World Peace broke away from Maharishi’s movement less than one year after Maharishi’s passing. Thankfully at that time, there was a German film director who was filming a documentary on the TM movement who witnessed this event in Vlodrop specifically in Maharishi’s house. He managed to record this important event and included it in his documentary film called: David Wants to Fly.

David Wants to Fly (2010) – IMDb

David Wants to Fly: Directed by David Sieveking. With Judith Bourque, Donovan, Raja Emanuel, Raja Felix. David Sieveking walks on David Lynchs path into the world of transcendental meditation (TM). He comes across the founder of this worldwide movement, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, to whom the Beatles already pilgrimed.

The indie film director David Sieveking has produced indie films, and his films have been nominated or awarded prizes at The Viennale film award (2011), the Locarno International Film Festival award (2012), and were nominated at the Palm Springs International Festival (2011), the German Film Awards (2013), and the German Film Critics Association Awards (2014). He is an accomplished low-budget film director.

More details about the film awards, nominations, the film categories, can be found at:

David Sieveking – IMDb

“The film receives an honorable mention for its artistic direction, irony and humane attitude, … More “The film receives an honorable mention for its artistic direction, irony and humane attitude, especially in the deconstruction of any personality cult.”

There is a short segment from his film on youtube, and it seems THAT was the moment the rajas detached themselves from the Indian TM movement, and thus Maharishi’s movement. It could be argued that the Global Country of World Peace IS the TM movement, but we will prove to you through our RajaLeaks articles that this is not the case. Please watch the video and rewind it as many times as necessary to see and hear what happened.

David narrates the following:

“Less than one year after the guru’s death a power struggle shakes his empire. The new leader’s authority is questioned by a close confidant of Maharishi’s. Maharishi’s old companion demands an equal role on par with the Maha Raja. He says it would have been the guru’s will….”

David continues with:

“When it is apparent that the Indian is truly challenging the Maha Raja he is instantly cut off, and we are no longer allowed to film.”

As can be seen in the video, an elderly Indian is sitting in the front row, who we believe to be Brahmachari Nand Kishor, who was Maharishi’s right-hand man for decades. From times past we have heard that Nand Kishor was selected by Maharishi to lead the movement when the he leaves. For sure Nand Kishor followed Maharishi from the very beginning, long before any Westerners were Maharishi’s disciples. Nand Kishor was part of the innermost circle of Indians who were closer to Maharishi than any other non-Indian disciple. This is our understanding.

In the video the elderly Indian said:

“I am not saying anything new. You already know about it. I am just saying it to verify that I am saying it to you correctly.

I support Maharishi to achieve his goals and whatever directions he has given. I will not support anything which is going against his will….”

At this point, the elderly Indian’s microphone is cut off, and thus he cannot finish his speech. It seems that the Global Country Country of World Peace is a fascist regime with something akin to a state-controlled media.

After this incident, David Sieveking is told to stop filming and leave Maharishi’s house.

He narrates in the documentary:

I am told I cannot use the footage we just shot and that the finished film will have to be approved by the TM leadership. “

In other words, the Rajas and/or TM leadership were asking David to submit his film for approval, which means that they reserved the right not to approve certain parts of the film. Possibly they wouldn’t approve of the documentary film at all. It is our opinion this is censorship and therefore it can be claimed that the Global Country of World Peace tries to control the media. This just strengthens our opinion that GCWP is a fascist state, which at present is still in virtual form.

Imagine what they would be like if they had a sovereign territory instead of a virtual country, and the GCWP rajas with their royal crowns roamed that country and enacted laws to suit their censorship needs and fascist policies. Would they enact criminal laws, and establish courts to enforce their policies? Raja Presston believes so.

Here is the public youtube video entitled:

Can Transcendental Meditation Bring Peace to the World?

The mentioned segment can be found between 4:43 – 5:50 time marks

Here is a GIF we made of Bevan Morris when he ordered the film crew and David Sieveking out of Maharishi’s house. It was an important moment. The gif frames are in reverse order for more emphasis. You may save the gif, and send it to your meditator friends.

His Excellency Bevan Morris is the President of the Global Country of World Peace, which is a government position. We believe he is a public figure and thus deserves greater scrutiny, and criticism, and must endure cynicism from the public side. Censorship is bad. Fascism in the Global Country of World Peace is deplorable. We are happy David was able to record the moment when GCWP detached itself from the Indian TM movement in the way that it was shown. We believe Brahmachari Nand Kishor spoke truly.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Shri Nand Kishor Ji, we would appreciate any information about him. We would like to contact him and gain additional information if he is willing to speak.


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