So let us follow in the footsteps,
Of the sages who came before,
And build a true TM community
Where all are free to seek
In the land of ancient wisdom,
Where holy sages roamed,
A sacred knowledge blossomed,
And in their hearts was home.
For centuries they preserved it,
The path to inner peace,
And now the world has heard it,
And TM has found release.
But now a new kingdom rises,
Virtual, with crowns in place,
And the holy ones do warn us,
Of the dangers we must face.
For the TM movement must be,
A path for all to find,
And not a virtual raja kingdom,
With power for some to bind.
For thousands of TM teachers,
Are now outside the crown,
Starting their own meditation centers,
The future of Shankara renowned.
The inner being of silence,
Is the source from which we come,
The absolute being the essence,
In which the rajas must be established some.
For where in the painting of tradition,
Do you see crowns adored,
Real crowns are invisible auras,
Not physical, but love is stored.
Have the rajas with crowns not noticed,
This truth that they deny,
The inner being that should guide us,
Has faded, as we sit and sigh.
The GCWP, a virtual kingdom,
May not be what we need,
For true peace must come from within,
Not from a crown or creed.
So let us follow in the footsteps,
Of the sages who came before,
And build a true TM community,
Based on love, and nothing more.
Let us honor the Shankaracharyas,
Who preserved this knowledge true,
And keep it free from false leaders,
Who seek power, not peace to renew.
For the path to inner peace,
Is open for all to tread,
And true enlightenment is not found,
In a virtual raja kingdom bed.
Let us build a world of love,
Where all are free to seek,
And the path to inner silence,
Is open, for all to speak.
Comment by Raja Presston
Let this poem be directed to the hearts of those who value the knowledge of transcending and its tradition. Raja Robert Numan, who is not even from our race of humans wrote this. More information can be found about this raja under the “about us” menu point. He would like to share a few more poems in the coming weeks.