It is interesting to see short videos appear on youtube showing the Global Country of World Peace.
The video starts with Tony Nader in full royal costume and then introduces the “pure Hindu country”. The video mentions the RAAM currency and interestingly the national language of Sanskrit in the Hindu Country of TM.
The video can be seen at:
I wonder what the David Lynch Foundation thinks of this video. Would they want schools where TM is taught to know about this video? Does this video point to legal problems in those governmental institutions and schools where TM has been introduced? What about the many military service members who have learned TM? It seems there are conflicts of interest between the parties.
I see a major clash between global countries and the Public as this video and other similar videos spread around the world. The Rajas have not been truthful about their global county and the royal political structure they have set up. It would be best if the Rajas immediately create a website to show the Rajas, the President, the Ministers, the whole governmental setup, and of course the money, crowns, the flag, and the Hindu roots. By doing this they may save face because radical honesty is better than not telling the public about what you are, and hiding a big secret. What are the chances of them creating an official TM website with this information? Don’t hold your breath on it.