As promised we now share a recent video taken during a Zoom conference where two women close to Maharishi gave testimony about their relationship with His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, in particular the sexual advances Maharishi made to them.
In one case the sexual advance, where Maharishi asked Theresa Olson then 19 years old to remove her blouse and bra so Maharishi could see her topless was truly an “unusual request”. However the next time Theresa went to Maharishi’s room in the evening Maharishi made further advances and asked her to join him in bed, and there was a definite erotic content in Maharishi’s behavior, which Theresa explains in the video. She rebuked Maharishi and told him it is a grave sin to have sexual relations with a monk. Her entire family was Roman Catholic, and Maharishi understood this.
At that time Theresa was living in her parent’s house, and Mrs. Olson (the famous “Mother Olson) and Mr. Olson considered Maharishi a family member who often stayed at their house in California. Maharishi was seen by Theresa as an uncle figure since she knew him from age eight or nine.

Theresa’s parents were the founding members of the TM Movement in the United States has taken part in the founding of the original Spiritual Regeneration Movement organization. She learned TM from Maharishi at age 8 or 9 and was the first child in the world to receive the children’s TM technique.
She is also a long-time TM teacher, with many academic degrees in the fields of Psychology, Vedic Psychology, and Religious Studies.
In the other case Maharishi’s sexual advance towards Judith Bourque who was 22 years old at that time, result in a two-year sexual relationship in which Maharishi raised Judith on a pedestal, was often seen with him, and was his secretary often visiting with Maharishi in his room in Rishikesh. That beautiful story with a sad ending is told in Judit Bourque’s book Robes of Silk Feet of Clay which has already been reviewed by RajaLeaks.
Although Judit has been seen in several video interviews over the years, in this current linked video she goes more deeply into the relationship with Maharishi and explains personally the trauma side and the emotional pain she felt as a result of the relationship. She felt trapped in Rishikesh and explains that feeling as well.
These two upright and courageous ladies gave testimony over a Zoom meeting attended by about 30 people worldwide. Also attending the Zoom meeting was Phil Goldberg a TM teacher who is an expert in spiritual groups, and has written books about such groups. In discussions Phil Goldberg made an interesting point about how some spiritual groups experience these sexual or financial scandals and those groups which don’t hide these facts, go forwards and grow later, however, those groups that suppress or sanction the spread of this information suffer breakdowns and split or even cease to exist. This is an important point, and one of the reasons, we at RajaLeaks believe that this information shouldn’t be suppressed, but should be presented so that the TM Movement can learn from these mistakes, and go forward later.
The famous Rick Archer who built up the site called “Buddha at the gas pump” and has interviewed hundreds of spiritually and intellectually evolved people was also in the Zoom meeting. Both Phil and Rick are founding members of a group promoting ethical and moral behavior in spiritual groups. They are doing a tremendous job in helping to clean up the spiritual scene.
The author of Maharishi and Me, Susan Shumsky was also a guest on the Zoom call and has followed and researched this specific topic for years. Dr. Jessie Mercay who is one of the great experts in the world of Vaastu science was also on the call and tells her story with Maharishi about how she felt Maharishi was grooming her for sexual contact.
So here is the video where these women give their testimony.
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