Although it might not seem important, this little menu could have a great influence on the TM movement and the GCWP. You see, this is where will we put those articles which describe ways to improve the organizations, by making concrete suggestions for improvement. These suggestion posts would naturally be seen under the “Improvements: Suggestions” menu point.
So feel free to send your ideas, and even encourage top TMO people to send their ideas to us. We would love to hear from actual Rajas or lady Rajas about what they suggest. We would keep in confidence their contact details, and just work with their ideas. This could be a way for inside people to have an avenue through which to communicate their suggestions without hitting a wall within the Raja kingdom.
Of course, we will also make concrete suggestions and post those under this menu item. We have a lot of ideas, as many of the readers also do. Think of this menu item as a brainstorming area, where the best ideas are posted regardless of who wrote them. You can stay incognito or be overt, it’s up to you, just be sure to write to us about how we should proceed.
The Accomplished menu item will be a place to post the actual events or things that were done from the suggestions. Now and then we will post articles about positive changes even if there wasn’t a suggestion posted on our site. What’s important is the accomplishments towards a global change in the TM movement. The “Improvements: Accomplished “ menu item will be for celebrating the positive changes in the TM movement. We hope the tide will turn and we have the opportunity to post many positive articles here.
Let the sunlight in!