Palm Beach of course! A long-time meditator told me recently. That place down in Florida, where the rich go to live or just hang out. That Palm Beach where former President Trump has his luxurious Mar-a-Lago estate called the “crown jewel of Palm Beach”, where even foreign dignitaries can relax in comfort, a sort of mini White House complete with special security, and a defense-grade communication room – so say some bloggers. Palm Beach is truly a royal place with its fabulous view, the ocean breeze, the relaxing beaches, and the many trappings of wealth. Of course, Tony lives there! It’s fit for a Maharaja!
Palm Beach has 4 golf courses with 96 other golf courses within 100 miles of the city, of which 70 private courses. Palm Beach county has 650 thousand real-estate parcels, of which 21 thousand are commercial or industrial, and there are 186 thousand condominiums and 377 thousand single-family homes. The total value of all the real estate is estimated to be worth more than 400 billion dollars! It can be said that Palm Beach county is well developed and highly suitable for the wealthy to relax and play their best game of golf!
An article about West Palm Beach shows the good life.
Further research revealed a local news article detailing the renovations the royal Nader couple ordered for the property at 1436 North Ocean Way, Palm Beach, FL, 33480.
Here is the link to the article where you can see the inside of the house.
The architecture firm showcased the Nader renovations they designed. According to the article, Tony Nader claimed he bought the property from inheritance money. The property was purchased by the Tony Nader Revocable Trust in 2009 for a price of $1,300,000.
Here are the Warranty Deed documents downloaded from the local county clerk’s website.

Here is the layout of the property and the usual statistics.

The property marked in red is the Nader property in relation to the coastline. Nice!

Here is the front view of the property. Pretty plain I would say. Nothing kingly about it.

According to county statistics about 45-55 thousand dollars per year are paid in property tax for this property. That is around 4-5 thousand dollars a month! Well ya, if you want to live in an ultra-rich neighborhood you are expected to pay your fair share! The property taxes paid after this property are higher than the average income in the United States. The story doesn’t end here. Please read on!

According to the Palm Beach County Appraiser website, the Tony Nader Revocable Trust sold off the property in 2019 for a price of $3,855,000.
According to our calculations, this brought in two million dollars in profit for the trust if we count the aforementioned renovation costs thickly. The property was listed under Parcel Control Number 50-43-42-34-07-000-0170, which can be looked up by anyone. Currently, the property is listed with a different owner and is offered for sale for more than 10 million dollars. I am sure Tony had real reasons to get out of the property, but waiting a couple of years might have been a better decision for him, and would have netted the trust at least another 5 million dollars.
So actually Tony Nader aka Maharaja does NOT reside at that Palm Beach address!
Well, that settles it.
So where does the royal Maharaja couple have their kingly abode? Perhaps they are living temporarily somewhere until a new grand building is built. Tony did live in Paris, and he holds a French passport, so perhaps they have a place in the European Union like Paris, or even London.
If any reader knows the whereabouts of King Nader’s residence could you drop us an e-mail and we will look into it. We can be reached at: [email protected]
Articles by Raja Presston, Raja Grossoffenheit