It is important to understand that definitions of words and terms DO MATTER significantly in matters of state and law. The Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace and its government is playing a mind game with interested parties by hiding the meaning of words.
This they do by either redefining the meanings of words, for example, “Raja” seems to mean a spiritual leader or an administrator of a national TM movement, or by entirely avoiding the question of what the words mean.
They are dissuading the meditators, the TM teachers, and even interested parties such as school principles, or government agencies from truly understanding the hidden meaning of the words surrounding the Global Country of World Peace, which by the way isn’t the TM Movement – it’s a new thing.
Let’s dissect the Raja oath to see what we come up with.
Here is the oath with Rajaleaks comments in red.
Hail Maharaj Nader Raam!
Victory to Maharaj Nader Raam!
Glory to Maharaj Nader Raam.
A “Rajah” is defined by as:
A king or prince in India.
“Maha” means “great” in Sanskrit and Hindi language.
So the Rajas, the kings/princes of the TM country are wishing victory to the great ruling prince or king of a major state. By the past actions of the Global Country of World Peace, it can be understood that this would be a yet-to-be-established sovereign country they wish or wished to set up somewhere in the world.
The call to victory can be a benign expression of a call to success, but it may also be a call to the military or diplomatic victory of a great king ruling over a nation. So right now it is a benign expression, yet the possibility exists of it morphing into something else later. We shall see in the coming months when more and more information is released about the GCWP’s attempt to acquire land from existing nations to set up a sovereign nation. Then the text of the oath could be understood in a different light.
The GCWP leadership doesn’t distribute this Raja oath and especially doesn’t distribute it to school principals, veteran’s administrations, societal leaders, and other governmental, or semi-governmental organizations when they introduce Transcendental Meditation to them. Neither the David Lynch Foundation nor Robert Roth who have close ties to the TM organization and the Rajas mention this oath. They should go forward and publish it on their websites, if the wish to be totally honest.
We all the Rajas feel fulfilled today.
This is a mood-making statement by the rajas.
We have been assigned by Your Majesty a golden path to fulfilment of the parental role of our people.
Another term that is used in the oath is “Your Majesty” which again strengthens the understanding that the MahaRaja is a sovereign king. The term is usually used to address a sovereign who leads a nation. This is what the word is used for, unless you are joking with someone, which is not the case in this solemn oath.
The expression “parental role of our people” goes back to the concept of “administration according to natural law”, and “the rajas being those administrators of society” as spoken by Maharishi. The “our” seems to mean the rajas have “people” a population, which is a fitting expression for a king or prince of a nation.
The TM administration doesn’t publish openly the oath for good reason.
We express our feelings of great gratitude to Your Majesty and we collectively and individually promise to uphold the purpose of your assignment to us as Rajas.
Again the word “Majesty” pops up, which is how you address a sovereign king. This sentence mentions a task given to the Rajas.
We will immediately create groups of Yogic Flyers in our domains, in Fortune-Creating Vastu buildings to create an indomitable influence of coherence for an integrated, invincible, national consciousness and to establish a ring of Invincibility around the world.
These groups of Yogic Flyers have not been established, and even the base group in Fairfield Iowa has been dismantled, sabotaged, or reduced since 2012 when the number of sidhas and TM teachers practicing TM-Sidhis together was around 2000. There are many reasons and excuses why people were not allowed into group programs and had their group program badges (ID cards) taken.
According to one source living in Fairfield, the number now is around 300-400 people total for both men and women. It would be great if someone could leak the actual group program numbers and a historical graph or spreadsheet with the data.
MIU was host to people trained in the TM-sidhis for decades. Many moved there just to be part of that experience. The required number of sidhas for coherent national consciousness was 1,600 and later 1,700 as the US population grew. By and large, this number was reached or exceeded during the evening group program for decades. Possibly this had a very positive effect and possibly this led to the end of the cold war.
The kings of the TM country have spectacularly failed in this mission. They haven’t created any groups in USA or Europe or anywhere really, although we don’t have any information from India, except a lot of complaints about living conditions and salary issues in the Brahmastan at the Maharishi Ashram, where many of the pundits live.
If we believe the research and the philosophy of Yogic Flying groups, the MIU community group in Fairfield Iowa was supposed to support proper coherent decisions even on the governmental level. This is not the case, with the impending or potential nuclear war with Russia and/or China on the horizon. Then there were the racial tensions, the riots, the pandemic, and massive inflation. It’s analog to the late 1970s before the large group program was established at MIU.
Something is very wrong, because the many thousands of sidhas and TM teachers moved to the MIU community to help USA and the world, and for their spiritual evolution, yet most of the people who could go to the group program have either had their badges taken (ID cards for group program), or are excommunicated, or they are angry at the administration, or just simply don’t care anymore what MIU and the Global Country of World Peace says or does.
It can be stated that since Maharishi passed away, the base group of Yogic Flyers in the MIU community, and the potential groups elsewhere have not been managed properly and new groups have not been created.
This is a massive failure by Rajas regarding this part of the oath.
Do the Rajas and their crowned wives set an example, and go to group programs wherever they are in the world? There are many TM centers and other locations where they could organize or attend group meditations and group practice of TM-sidhis. Do they set an example for others to follow?
We will establish Capitals of the Global Country of World Peace in 108 countries and build 3000 Peace Palaces, one in every city of 100,000 population throughout the world, to offer the entire field of knowledge and bring support of the Constitution of the Universe to everyone.
Again, nothing happening on this front either, certainly not in 108 countries, and not even close to 3,000 Peace Palaces. Except for a few buildings here and there. There have been a few little successes, but this statement in the oath has not been fulfilled either.
Another failure by the Rajas on this point.
As Rajas we will always uphold the purity of the knowledge of our Vedic tradition that has come to us today.
Through this Vedic coronation ceremony by Your Majesty we as Rajas have understood that the effectiveness of our status as Rajas depends upon maintaining purity of knowledge, the supremely delicate field of authority.
Tell, me about it! What about the TM mobile phone app? Was that upholding the purity of the teaching? From Russia, we hear many meditators who learned TM from official GCWP TM teachers go to an alternative TM teacher couple who are not part of the Global Country of World Peace to get their 3 days of checking (lectures, meditation checking) properly given to them, so they may understand the teaching and know how to meditate. The TM mobile app is an experiment, but has anyone done any studies on its effects?
Then there is news that the Stapatya-Veda knowledge and practice have problems too. It seems the TMO people Maharishi sent to acquire the Vaastu knowledge did not wish participate or did not get all the knowledge, or apply the knowledge correctly later. Dr. Ganapati the great master of Vaastu science who even received an honorary doctorate from Maharishi tried his best to pass on his knowledge to Maharishi’s people. Currently, another organization inspired by Dr. Ganapati which is outside the TMO structure is teaching the Vaastu knowledge, and it seems the purity of the teaching is represented by them.
I have serious doubts about the purity of the teaching in Vedic Sciences as taught by the Rajas and the TM organization.
This is another point of failure by the Rajas, at least because they haven’t been aware of the situation.
The oath seems to imply that their Raja status and authority are connected to maintaining the purity of the teaching.
We promise that Your Majesty will always remain satisfied with our performance in full accord with the Constitution of the Universe, the Veda.
We assure Your Majesty of our action always according to your directives, as we have received now and we will be receiving in all future.
This establishes that the TM kingdom has one ruler, the Maharaja, and they follow – or should – follow his directives now and in the future. This is far from democracy, this is exactly like a country with a great king.
Glory to the Constitution of the Universe, Glory to the Eternal Constitution of the Universe.
Maharishi talked much about the Constitution of the Universe, and how it’s the Vedic hymns, and the laws of nature also called devatas known as the primordial gods. This establishes that the Maharaja, the Rajas, and the Global Country of World Peace with their governmental structure have their constitutional framework described in this Constitution of the Universe. However this is not a real legal Constitution in any sense of the word, therefore it can be stated, that the TM kingdom, that country has no constitution per se that can be understood by other country, by diplomats, or even by the potential citizens of the Global Country of World Peace. Also because the Vedic hymns are considered religious texts, with gods, and deep philosophical and religious teachings which together are described as Hinduism, it can be assumed that the Global Country of World Peace will not support religious freedoms for its population, for its future citizens or the meditators, and in effect – is already – or will be – a THEOCRACY, in other words, a religious state.
Glory to Maharaja Nader Raam,
Glory to the orders of Maharaja Nader Raam,
Glory to the eternal tradition of rulership of Maharaja Nader Raam.
Jai Maharaja Nader Raam
Jai Maharaja Nader Raam
Jai Maharaja Nader Raam
Lastly, the oath ends with a glorious praise to the Maharaja who is currently Tony Nader, the great king of that country. This last part also hints at future Maharajas, after Tony Nader by referring to the “orders” of Maharajas.
As written in part 1 of this 2-part analysis, oaths are serious promises, essentially a one-sided agreement often verbally spoken which binds the individual to a sovereign or a state, or even to a private organization. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, an example of an oath can be found in history where the knights pledged their allegiance or loyalty to their lord. This is analog to the royal court of Nader Raam where the rajas (mini-kings) pledge allegiance to their great-king (the lord). What is important to understand here is that the knights of history were the western equivalent of kysatrias (noblemen, warriors) in their homelands, they were noblemen who took up arms and defended the kingdom, truth, and Christianity. This is analog, as the Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace are crowned kings (mini-kings) in their own right as seen in the GCWP propaganda.
Whereas the knights took an oath on the Christian Bible, the raja oath mentions the Vedic tradition and the Constitution of the Universe which in TM parlance is Rik Ved and the Vedas. As can be seen, the Rajas by their oath, are morally invested in the Global Country of World Peace which does not follow democratic principles. The Rajas are also legally bound to the country and to its Maharaja, however as of yet we haven’t seen the written agreement – it is a closely guarded secret, and probably will not be leaked to us.
Every school, university, government institution, and patriotic defenders of their own nation’s tradition, and constitution should read this oath, and make up their mind if this is the organization they want to learn meditation from. I feel this is especially important if the persons learning meditation are under 18 years of age, and could easily be influenced by this non-democratic, king promoting, global organization which seemingly is designed to setup a sovereign country. The potential brainwashing of young minds has to be considered. If you know of a good constitutional lawyer we would like to discuss this whole thing with that expert. There are things yet to be uncovered about this kingdom organization.