In the ethereal silence of the night, a haunting echo reverberates across the vast expanse of the sea. It is a voice, not of despair, but of profound curiosity, reaching out to the departed soul of Maharishi from realms unknown. Questions, wrapped in a somber tone, hang in the air like unspoken prayers.
His devout followers, bound by the stern decree of celibacy, found both freedom and constraint in his teachings. But why this rule, this binding force that shaped their lives and set their souls adrift? And amidst the fiery furnace of passion, a daughter was born, yet her name remained a secret, concealed in the cocoon of love’s secluded embrace. Why deny the world her grace, her existence?
With Maharishi now in the realm where secrets lie buried, the seeker ventures forth, driven by an unyielding thirst for truth. In the vast expanse beyond the open sky, the seeker implores the departed master to unravel the veils of the past. In whispered breaths, the seeker calls out for answers, for understanding, for solace.
Our video also talks about Maharishi’s daughter.
In the hush of night, I send my plea,
To the departed soul, across the sea,
Maharishi, in realms unknown,
I ask these questions, in somber tone.
Why, in shadows deep, did you reside,
With lovers many, secrets to hide?
Did you fear judgment’s cruel art,
Or long to shield your tender heart?
Your followers, devout and true,
In celibacy, they found their cue,
But why this rule, this stern decree,
That bound their souls, and set them free?
And in the depths of passion’s flame,
A daughter born without a name,
Why deny the world her grace,
Concealed in love’s secluded space?
Oh, master gone, where secrets lie,
In realms beyond the open sky,
I seek the truth, in whispered breath,
In life, in love, in silent death.
For answers dwell in timeless lore,
In realms where spirits freely soar,
Maharishi, in your wisdom vast,
Reveal the secrets of the past.
In truth, let healing waters flow,
In understanding, let compassion grow,
For in the light of honesty,
Lies the balm for souls, both you and me.