Short Vedic Videos – Part 14: Influence of Ramayana on the world

Short Vedic Videos – Part 14: Influence of Ramayana on the world

We continue presenting a fun series of short videos, about ancient temples, ancient flying vehicles, Vedic gods, ancient science, Vedic myths, Hinduism, influence on the world, and other related topics. These short videos are for your enjoyment and originate from others who share them.

Each RajaLeaks article with these short videos, will present three videos on a single or related topic. These are for your enjoyment and education. If you are not yet familiar with Indian myths and Indian science and culture, this is a tiny step in that direction, but it doesn’t substitute serious research and study on these subjects. Even if you are not Hindu you can get a glimpse of the immense knowledge the Indian sub-continent possessed at one time.


Ramayana in Ancient Mayan Civilization #facts #ancient

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What is the connection between the Ramayana and South America?

Subscribe to the channel for more amazing facts.————————* Thanks for watching!–_–_—

Insane Knowledge Hidden in The Ramayana

Amazing geographical knowledge hidden in the Ramayana.———* Join the channel to get access to amazing perks.…


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